From grocery stores and retail to medical services and hospital systems to colleges and universities, E Smith Communities unites key partners to deliver locally relevant projects. Each project we undertake seeks to provide the physical and catalytic infrastructure for self-gentrification in overlooked neighborhoods, building to a sustainable future.

E Smith Communities brings innovative, targeted real estate solutions designed to transform neighborhoods focusing on food security, healthy living, wellness, education and training. We are a socially responsible developer, with the overarching goal to help communities build and incubate talent, reinvest in the future, and inspire residents to thrive in a healthy, creative and conscious environment. Our services include strategic planning and analysis, site selection support and the assembly and management of other services like design, finance, and construction project management.
Leveraging a deep expertise in commercial real estate, the E Smith Communities team is able to bring parity in services to communities that have been overlooked due to demo- graphics, underutilized or obsolete real estate or economically challenged environments.
Our experience spans all types of development including:
Mixed Use (in collaboration with residential development partners)
Redevelopment of existing buildings
Build to Suit (NNN investors)
E Smith Communities is an operating company of E Smith Legacy Holdings, an integrated real estate solutions company, developed to help its partners shape the identity of communities by being catalytic agents for commercial investment and development.
E Smith Communities
2515 McKinney Avenue Suite 1300 Dallas, TX 75201
972-674-3124 • esmithcommunities.com